Professors accreditation
General regulation of Ufes (accreditation and reaccreditation of faculty members):The professors of the Postgraduate Program must produce scientific and technological studies with certified value according to the criteria established by the internal and external agencies of monitoring and evaluation in the Posgraduate program.
The professors must be registered in Plataforma Lattes, in CNPq and must maintain it updated reporting their scientific and technological studies at least twice whitin a year (up to June 30th and until December 31st).
The faculty members of the Postgraduate Programs are ranked into two categories: Standing professors and collaborators professors.
After the accreditation of the Postgraduate Program, inclusion, disconnection and the categorizing of the professors which are faculty members, must receive the approval of its colegiate body academic calendar.
The permanence criteria and the professors categorization must be established in the internal policy of each Postgraduate Program taking into account the guidelines of its area of CAPES evaluation.
The categorization of the professors will be made annually.
The accession request of a professor to a Postgraduate program will be formalized by the consent form filling to "Postgarduate program participation" seen in attaches set out in annexes l and ll of the Postgraduate Program general regulation.
Program policy for accreditation and reaccreditation of faculty members:
The accreditation of professors in the PPGG is done based on the request of the interested party, who must inform the level at which they intend to supervise (master's and/or doctorate), the line of research they are affiliated with, present the duly completed and signed Term of Agreement (Annexes I and/or II of Resolution 5203/20232 of CEPE-Ufes) and have, for the last four years, four qualified bibliographic productions, either an article in an indexed journal (Qualis Capes or equivalent in its qualified stratum, international indexers, impact factor), or books or book chapters in publishers with an editorial board or with the ISBN number, registered in the curriculum of the Lattes Platform.
The performance evaluation of permanent professors, including for the purposes of changing their categorization, will be carried out biannually by the Academic Board, for the purpose of monitoring the stability of the faculty throughout the four-year period.