Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 22/05/2023

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EBERVAL MARCHIORO Internal Examiner *

Summary: ABSTRACTThis research is about the study of the geology and geomorphology of the lower course of the Reis Magos river, municipality of Serra, east coast of the State of Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. The main objective of this research was to characterize the lithology and geological structures present in the lower course of the Reis Magos river. The methodological basis used integrated office, laboratory and fieldwork analyses. In the office, the following were carried out: i) mappings; ii) bibliographic review; iii) generation of geological-geomorphological profiles and; iv) analysis of lineaments and structural trends. The maps were prepared from the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) –Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) –TOPODATA and processed in ArcGIS 10.3.1™software. Analyzes were performed in the laboratory. Three (3) rock samples and three (3) sediment samples were selected, which best represented the studied geological units, in order to analyze them in terms of petrography (ABNT NBR 15.845: 2010) and sediment granulometry and mineralogy (NBR NM-ISO 3310-1:1997 and NBR 7389-1:2009). In the field, samples of rocks and sediments were collected with a geological hammer, shovel and plastic bags. In addition, lithology, geological structure, altimetry, neotectonic faults and morphology variables were verified, analyzed and validated, recorded with a 26-megapixel camera and GPS (Global Position System). Based on the analysis of the mappings, the geological-geomorphological profiles, the map of lineaments and structural trends, the field work and the petrographic analysis of the rocks and the mineralogical and granulometric analysis of the sediments and laboratory, it can be seen that the area presents an important diversity of environments and geological and geomorphological aspects.The analysis of the mappings, especially the lineaments, showed that the area has two (2) very marked orientations: NW-SE and NE-SW and that the orientations of the NW-SE lineaments and structural trends are the same as those of the Araçuaí Orogen, but they are also related to the normal faults of the E-W Dextral Transcurrence Neotectonic Event. The orientations of the NE-SW lineaments and structural trends are related to the orientation of the RibeiraOrogen,but are also related to the normal NE-SW faults identified by Bricalli (2011) in the Neotectonic Event of Distension NW-SE or Transcurrence E-W present in the state of the Holy Spirit. Field and laboratory analyzes showed 3 (three) rock samples that best represented the geological units of the area: granodiorite, diorite and gneiss and 3 (three) sediment samples, which best represented the geological units of the area: sediments present in the marine plain, and fluvial-lagunar accumulation. Therefore, this research shows the important lithological and sedimentary diversity, in addition to the presence of a neotectonic control, suggesting the continuity of this research through an integrated analysis of identified structural and lithological data.

Keywords:lithology; neotectonics, Reis Magos river.

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