Type: PhD thesis
Publication date: 10/07/2020

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Examining board:

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CELESTE CICCARONE Internal Examiner *
GISELE GIRARDI Internal Examiner *

Summary: Tourist visitation in territories of different indigenous peoples has been occurring for some decades in Brazil, showing diversified experiences in which the State has been challenged to comprehend and act. A practice that is constituted by multiple and complex relations, not restricted to a monetary relation or to the universalization of a tourism typology. It covers the specificities of each people, their territories and their relations with the State logic and other external agents. Since 2015, the State proposes the implementation of a regulation to address the initiatives regarding tourist visitation in indigenous territories. The Pataxó people, in the territory of Barra Velha do Monte Pascoal in the extreme south of Bahia, have been conducting and performing initiatives related to tourism visitation since the 1970s. Those initiatives occur in their trajectories, in the interrelations of their territoriality, their policies and their ethnodevelopment. This thesis has the overall aim to contribute for the comprehension and reflection concerning the spatialities, policies and ethnodevelopment operating in Pataxó tourism trajectory in the territory Barra Velha do Monte Pascoal. Moreover, it highlights the importance of openness regarding the concepts and practices of indigenous people in the construction, redesign and establishment of Brazilian State policies. Guided by this aim, it was conducted a qualitative research for data collection and analysis, both guided by categories of analysis (spatiality, policy and ethnodevelopment) and their interrelations with the thesis’ topic (tourism in indigenous territories). It was conducted a bibliographic and documental study about the historical context of relations between the State and indigenous people, specifically directed to the Pataxó people. In addition, it was considered spatial, policies and ethnodevelopment concepts that arise from this relationship and from Pataxó tourism and their practices in the Pataxó territory Barra Velha do Monte Pascoal. In the reading process, this study considered a selection of texts that had a potential connection with what was identified in the field. The field research was conducted in the territory Barra Velha do Monte Pascoal and its surroundings, through semi-structured interviews with Pataxó people and external agents, and participant observation of Pataxó tourism. The data analysis process
began simultaneously with data collection, through systematization and analytical description of the texts that were read and listened, and the observed practices. It was described the conception, practice and “planning” of Pataxó tourism in the territory Barra Velha do Monte Pascoal, identifying the spatial and political heterogeneity of Pataxó people in their trajectory related to tourism. It was observed that Pataxó tourism participates and involves a variety of internal relations with the State and other external agents. The tourism regulation proposed by the State does not allow this openness for heterogeneity, which is essential for Pataxó people, to be present in a position of equality in the relationship with the State and its world, during the process of “planning” Pataxó’s tourism. This thesis defends the openness for a position of equality in the relation between the State and Pataxó people, and other indigenous peoples when discussing the topic. Pataxó’s practice and “planning” of tourism understood in its specificities and in a relationship process “local-global”.

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