Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
Map as an expression of Geographies and mapping as a human right 01/01/2024 48 Coordinator *
II Maps and mappings and cartographies and thoughts about space and… 01/08/2023 12 Coordinator *
Maps and mappings and cartographies and thoughts about space and... 01/08/2019 48 Coordinator *
01/01/2017 31 Coordinator *
01/01/2015 24 Coordinator *


Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
TIAGO DALAPICOLA 29/11/2019 PhD in Geography
LEONARDA PAOLA DE LA OSSA ARIAS 29/08/2019 Master’s degree in Geography
JULIANA SILVA ALEIXO 29/05/2019 Master’s degree in Geography
ERNANDES DE OLIVEIRA PEREIRA 15/03/2019 PhD in Geography
IURE SANTOS DE SOUZA 29/08/2018 Master’s degree in Geography


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
IURE SANTOS DE SOUZA 06/12/2024 Advisor Doctoral thesis
MAYARA PERINNI DE AGUIAR 05/10/2023 Advisor Academic master's dissertation
LUIZA SANTOS ALVES 06/09/2023 Advisor Doctoral thesis
DAVID DOS SANTOS DA CONCEICAO 14/07/2023 Advisor Academic master's dissertation
DAVID DOS SANTOS DA CONCEIÇÃO 14/07/2023 Advisor * MSc dissertation


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